History Herstory

Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory DIN A1 (Metro Mockup)
Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory animated
Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory DIN A1 (Detail 2)
Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory DIN A1 (Detail 3)
Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory DIN A1 (Detail 1)
Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory DIN A1 (Detail 4)
Karsten Rohrbeck: History Herstory DIN A1 (Urban Mockup)

History is mainly written by men. Still it is the story of us all, of men and women. Of mankind. So history always also is her story … our story. Yes, we truly are together in this. All at once and all forever. From the beginning till the end. Let’s join to write our story.

April 2020

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